Saturday, 7 June 2008

An Inconvenient Truth

Today, I watch a documentary entitiled "An Inconvenient Truth" at GV VivoCity. I watch with my sister. The show started at 1330 hrs. It's a 94 mins long. It's about global warming that Mr Al gore, former US president candidate talks about. I have learnt quite a number of facts. I also learnt something that I dont know for all my lifes. Just 1 fact to share. US is the major contributor emissions of CO2 gasses (30%). I enjoyed the documentary. However, my sis somehow dun understand coz the english used is too high for her.

After that, went to mosque for prayer then to Banquet HarbourFront ctr for lunch !!! I was full !!! Then, took 97 & 198 home. we reached home ard 5 plus.

Yup, that's about it for today =)

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