Friday, 3 August 2007

Time files REALLY very fast. It's already august !!! It has been a long time since my last update... I'm very busy with my tests & assignments ! that's why. Anyway, today after ITM make-up lesson, we celebrate Bhuvan & Geraldine's birthday @ MOBERLY...

Yesterday, I had ITM quiz... it was ok & as usual, i forgot some parts. I think i'm going to score a B grade for it.

Last Wednesday, went for SCIC Talk on working in a chemical industry... The talk was interesting to me as they share with us the avg salary, the future of jrg island & so many more.

Last Tuesday, I had Spreadsheet quiz. I find this quiz easier than the 1st one... Hoping to score at least 70% for it. Btw, I got back my math test results !!! I was disappointed because i got 63% due to my carelessness in the last qns. If not, I should have scored 83... =( Today also got back CPPB results. i got 35/50, which is also disappointing but ok la, at least a B grade... My math i should get an A grade coz it's my fav subject !!! =D

Last monday, lessons start at 1pm... During RWP lesson, we got back our report... I scored B- for it, which I feel is satisfied !!! I just need to have final touch-ups before hand in the hard & soft copy by next mon.

Yeah, that's about it... exams is 2 weeks away & i still havent start anything yet due to my hw 7 projects... haiz. Hoping to start ASAP...

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